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알레시 Pasta Pot Set 'PJ01' 이미지 확대 보기
  • 알레시 Pasta Pot Set 'PJ01'
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알레시 Pasta Pot Set 'PJ01'

Alessi브랜드 바로가기more알레시 Pasta Pot Set 'PJ01'

약 10~14일
20,000원 조건별배송
옵션당 최소 1개
20,000원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 강남구 도산대로45길 10-5 LS빌딩 3F (사무실)
할인 : 적립 적립금 :
알레시 Pasta Pot Set 'PJ01'
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액
장바구니 구매하기

상품 설명

That an Italian company revolutions the pasta cooking, seems close. But that two French help for it, seems exceptional on the first sight. But if one looks harder, he will fast realize that no other designer duo would have been more adapted to this duty: one of them is a professional cooking master and the other one is a specialist for design and function questions.
It is talked about the highly decorated star cook Alain Ducasse and the renowned French designer Patrick Jouin. When the project-involved ones are named one should not forget the Italian design manufacture: represented by Alberto Alessi, design knower, hobby-cook and mainly pasta loving Italian, who guarantees the visual and taste depending perfection… also if the cooking method “is radically different than the classic one, so that the conservative phantoms would ruffle!” as Alberto Alessi predicts.
But now to the result of the perennial project: the pasta pot that actually re-vitalizes the ancient form of pasta cooking ? the one that cooks. The model for this project has been the cooking methods of the ancient olive-pickers that cooked pasta as if it was risotto, for water saving and cooking tools saving reasons. A three-layer casserole came out with a suitable lid, cooking spoon and coaster that connects the quality of a traditional cooking method with the demands and design ideas of the 21st century.
In this easy preparing all ingredients are cooked at the same time: initially the pasta is cooked with the spices and different ingredients of the sauce. Subsequently water or broth is added to leave everything cooking with the lid on top. At this sort of cooking, the so called “boil down” method, the force serves for pasta bindings and the perfect aroma concentration. “The result is a healthy, natural and especially tasty meal that is fast and easy prepared”, explains Alain Ducasse. “It is a traditional method that I have revitalized in my restaurant Le Louis XV in Monaco and whose secret is revealed by Alessi today.”
The Alessi Pasta Pot offers all in one and serves, thanks to its design and the suitable coaster, also to serve the meal. One external layer out of magnet steel enables that the three-layer casserole is usable also on induction-cookers. The integrated deposit for the cooking spoon directly in the pot’s handle is also practical. An additional small recipe book helps at the first cooking tries. “I have tried all recipes and can ensure you that you will perfectly control the “Pasta Pot” in the end as well as conjure your own culinary delicacies.” Is what Alberto Alessi says.
Pasta-cook set including a multiply saucepan, a glossy polished stainless steel 18/10 lid, a spoon and a melamine resin pot-coaster.
Supplementary information:Recipes by the professional chef Alain Ducasse (ca. 1,09MB)
Do you have questions about the product? Contact us!

Details : capacity: 2.65 l, consists of pot, lid, spoon and coaster
Material : multiply saucepan, glossy polished stainless steel 18/10 lid, pasta spoon and melamine resin pot-coaster
Color : stainless steel
Dimensions : Height: 25.5 cm, Depth: 15 cm, Length: 44.5 cm
Weight : 3.58 kg (without packaging)

One Color

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     2) 교환

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     3) 반품

     ㆍ변심에 의한 반품 요청 시, 많은 시간과 비용이 발생합니다. 

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        (반품료 = 관세+부가세+왕복국제배송료+국내반품배송료+반품수수료)

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이미지 확대보기알레시 Pasta Pot Set 'PJ01'

알레시 Pasta Pot Set 'PJ01'
  • 알레시 Pasta Pot Set 'PJ01'

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